Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Puppy Update

Since my last post was a bit....negative, I'm going to try to lighten the mood. It's been a while since I last talked about my parent's puppies, Cody and Max. I went to East Texas this past weekend and saw them - unfortunately, I did not get any pictures. If I had, they would have been blurry; the two monsters are never unmoving.

Cody is HUGE! Though we were told he's pure Sheltie, we think he's got the DNA of a horse. He's not the brightest dog in Texas, but I don't think he's quite the dumbest. I think he's finally learned his name which is an improvement. Max is the dachshund and he's pure dachshund. That nose of his is going to get him into serious trouble. There's no doubt that this dog is the new king of the pen, despite Mikey's mature age. Cody cannot stand to be away from the wily dachshund. Maybe they're gay.

Anyways, on that drizzly, miserable Saturday, mom and I let them all out for a romp in the yard - they rarely get to run free during the week. The did well until the end when Max took off across the pasture to investigate the brush-filled fence-line. I ran after him but could not get his attention - he was too busy smelling. I stood there for probably fifteen minutes while he ran around in circles, following only his nose; he seemed to have found something. Finally, I got his attention and when I started running back towards the house, he followed. And passed me. The little guy stands two inches off the ground but he can run faster than me!

Now I know that I've only had one running "lesson" from Jake but I was disheartened. I was surpassed by a dachshund - one not yet fully grown. However, let me tell you something: there's nothing cuter than seeing that little guy flying through the tall grass with his ears flopping like wings. It's so funny!

I'm sure if we could somehow harness the energy of these three dogs, we could power my parent's house for a year, no problem. They are wild! I need to find a way to have that type of energy!

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