The base of the house is made from a cedar tree trunk. How cool is that? The birdies feel right at home.
Mom and I are going to learn how to make fairie gardens next month - I'll explain more then - and we were thinking one of these birdhouses, which can hang or sit on a pillar, would be totally cute with a few fairie gardens. Well, these birdhouses cost between $250 and $300! Maybe when we win the lottery....
On a political note, the New York Times editorial board has endorsed Obama. I guess we should have seen this coming, as they are part of "fake" America, which bin Laden mistook for "real" America. It's so good of the Repulicans to insinuate that those who died on 9/11 were un-American and un-patriotic. Good, God, what are they doing? And while we're at it, if you're Muslim, you're a terrorist. Got it. Thank you, Palin, for dividing this country so thoroughly. Are we going to go back to lynching as well? Maybe lynch us some Muslims? I repeat, Good God.
Those bird houses look great. Surely you can make your own though. Granted it won't be as good but I am sure there would be something out there that you could use to create a little bird fairy tale house. I'll let you know if I think of anything because I would love one in my back yard,
Yeah, it would just be the cedar tree trunk that would be difficult to find!
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