It's been slow here and not much is happening. After our first Snow Day, yesterday, I awoke several times last night to the sound of sleet on my window. So, guess what? We have a second Snow Day today! I may just go stir crazy.
It seemed the perfect opportunity to show you some of my scrapbooking pages I've completed (per Kerin's request). The one up top is the title page. I hate title pages; there's so much pressure in them! This one is mediocre at best but at least it's done. (I usually save them for last so several of my albums have an empty title page still!)
I have tons of stickers but unfortunately I usually forget to use them. This time around, I pulled out all of my wintry paper and stickers beforehand so I wouldn't forget anything!
I won't do the entire album this way, but I love this concept: piecing together a page covered with pics and blocks of paper. It's more interesting than a sheet of paper for the background and, though it requires a bit of cutting, it is simple to do.
I love the layouts. They look so classy and add to the pictures rather than takes away from them (like many peoples pages do). Would love to see more once they are done. All I can do is dream of snowballs and snowangels. Hate living in a desert state.
Thanks, Kerin. I'll be sure to post some more pics as I make more progress. It's slow going and depends entirely upon my motivation and inspiration - which do not always coincide with each other!
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