Even though I live out in the country (for another 1.5 months), I rarely experience nature. Sure, I go on walks and do some yard work...and sit on the porch...but these activities are not exactly exciting. On Saturday, I got to do something exciting with Mr. Higgins and nature....at Mineral Wells State Park.
I'd never been to Mineral Wells State Park or even the town of Mineral Wells (about an hour west of Fort Worth), so this was all new to me. And part of it were new for Mr. Higgins as well! Due to all the rain and muddy conditions on the trails, we were limited as to where we could go. We walked around, scrambled over a few rocks and then found some huge rocks....including a huge crevice!
Little did I know at the beginning of the day that I would do some actual hiking. But I did! This was my first real hiking adventure and I loved it. I was a bit unsure at times but Mr. Higgins was super cool with me and talked me through a few rough places.
I can't wait to go back when the trails are dry and the wind is calmer (it was gusting at what felt like 30 mph!). Even more, I want to explore some other state parks and lakes! I never knew what I was missing!