Friday, August 10, 2012

An Unexpected Turn

My days at work have been spent getting my new boss settled in.  There are tons of boxes to unpack, files to sort, and periodicals to organize.  Academics have way too many books - ha!

With this new boss, I've had no idea what my new and different responsibilities will be.  That's a scary thing!  But he gave me some great news the other day.  I will be managing editor of a series he's in charge of.  To make his life easier, I'll take over all the day-to-day stuff in regards to that series.  I'll talk to authors, send submissions out for review, and copyedit.  

Six years ago, I almost took a publishing job in Michigan, right after I finished my master's degree.  That job did not pay enough to live on.  Now, I'll be doing something similar and gain tons of experience that could translate into a job for an academic publishing house.  It's ironic how life comes full circle sometimes!  

So, despite it being a crazy hectic week, that news has buoyed my spirits.  Hopefully there are good things coming up in the future (at work!).  

On a side note, the scrapbooking retreat is going to happen.  Next weekend!  I'm so excited!

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