Friday, August 3, 2012

Settling Down

Did you know that there are bed and breakfasts that specialize in scrapbook retreats?  I'm amazed!  My sister found a few that are extremely reasonable.  They offer huge craft tables for you to set up your spread and work for days and days.  They have machines you can use and printers where you can print off photos....  And snacks!  It's a crafters paradise.

The only drawback is that the rooms are set up for 2, 4, and 6 people.  But to make up for having to share a room with so many girls, the rate is extremely reasonable.  However, finding enough people to go on a specific weekend is turning out to be near impossible.  

As more and more of my friends get married and have kids, there are fewer and fewer people who have free time.  That means I see them less and less.  

All of you who do not have kids understand, I'm sure.  You have friends for life but then, suddenly, those friends "settle down" and become too busy for anything other than family.  I don't plan on having kids, so I guess I better get used to least for the next twenty years until those kids go off to college.  I've "settled down," but with no plans for kids, I'd like to still have friends.  

And I'd like to be able to scrapbook with them.  Hopefully at some point, we can get a group together.

1 comment:

Mischief Maker said...

Hi Donia, I know the feeling but it happens when husbands come along as well. *Sigh*

You should try looking for scrapbooking retreats. That way you can go with one or two of your friends and then make new ones while you are there. It is a great way to meet like minded people.
