I got Louis from the Humane Society in September of 2006. He looked so cute and so lonely in his cage; his eyes begged me to take him. Once he got to his new home, he checked out all the possible places to nap and settled on the bed (two pics here from his first day with me).
The first two months were not easy. Louis was sick and it took some time to find out what was wrong. Once diagnosed, his medication kept him happy. He settled in with me and we began to bond. I soon learned what kind of cat Louis was....
He was cool. He played with the cheapest mice I bought him until you watched him - and then he was too cool to be seen playing. If he was really feisty, he liked to chase me around, batting at my ankles as I ran. He always sat and stood with his front two paws side-by-side, touching. He was very proper in this respect. If you caught him cleaning his nether regions, he would freeze, limbs askew, as if to say, "What are you looking at?"
A common place to find the little monster was on the back of my computer desk chair. This (above) is his playing stance - he's ready to bat my hands away from him. Despite all the toys I bought him, his favorite thing to do was wrestle. He would try to bite my hand and I would rub his belly - he didn't like that when he was in playful mode. He would try and try to bite me and when he finally gave up, he would sigh. I used play with him just to hear that sigh.
(Pic - One of his napping places - the computer desk chair.) I quickly learned that Louis preferred to drink from the faucet instead of from a bowl. He rubbed against anything and everything. He always wanted to be close and often followed me around like a puppy. His characteristic head-butts would make my knees buckle if I was not prepared for them! And he head-butted everyone he met; he was the friendliest cat I ever met!
(Pic - He loved it when I settled down and sat on the couch. He would sit beside me but he preferred my lap!) His eyes were always amazing to me - I was looking at them in awe only hours before he died. They were the clearest amber in the sunlight and the lightest green in the dark. They were the only thing on his body that was not gray!
Every morning he was there - wanting a drink from the faucet after I got out of the shower. While I got ready for work, he sat on the vanity and kept me company. He greeted me every evening when I got home; he stretched and purred as I changed for my workout. After dinner, he sat with me - or on me - while I watched the news. If I needed the computer, I generally had to fight him for the chair if it was a prime napping time.
Every night, when I turned off the living room lights, he made his way to the bathroom, to wait out my nightly beauty rituals. Once I climbed into bed and got settled, I would hear his soft warning meow - "I'm coming up!" - and then he would be there, with a head-butt. I would pet him and he would purr for a few minutes before he assumed his favorite position - laying by my side. I would turn off the light and we would sleep, curled around each other.
It's that warning meow I expect to hear every night - and it's not going to happen ever again. I never thought I would get so attached to the little guy but he was a constant friend and buddy. He would cheer me up when I was down; he could always make me smile. I've hesitated to tell too many people about his passing because so few can truly understand how heartbreaking this is. I expected to have him for ten years - I was given only one and a half with him. I have so many regrets.... But I hope he was happy.
We buried him next to Sparky - our old Sheltie who died last Memorial Day weekend - at sunset on Good Friday (ironic, huh?). As I drove home on Sunday, all I could think of was that I was leaving him behind...
I think you are quite strong and brave being able to type this about Louis. I am sure that for every word there is a tear shed. I have a dog who thinks my bed is hers. She curls up next to me every night side by side as well. I thinks she purrs as well (yes it is a dog I am talking about).
Your SCFs Pal
That is a really lovely piece of writing. You loved him, and I think it's fair to say he loved you too. Thanks for sharing.
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