After the big snow on Christmas Day, the town seemed to finally wake up on the 26th. The roads were finally plowed and there was a line of cars trying to get to the ski resort up the street. The temperature dropped and never rose above twenty degrees. We stayed inside until our scheduled sleigh ride in the afternoon.
You know it's cold when the water bottle in your pocket freezes during a thirty minute outdoor adventure. I've never been so cold! But the views were stunning, especially with the lake...
The Pony Express came through Tahoe once a week during it's eighteen month duration in the 1860s, and our route on the sleigh was similar to theirs - though they went farther up the mountain.
Can you imagine seeing this mountain without it's modern homes, businesses, and casinos? It would have been spectacular. Heck, it's spectacular with those things!
After our ride, I went for a walk with a few in our group, where I almost froze. We went down to the lake and it was stunning. The beach was white with snow and there looked to be a few feet of frozen water. The lake as a whole never freezes because it's too deep - 1600 feet. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera on this walk. You'll have to believe me when I say that a Lake Tahoe sunset is unlike anything else.
I'll post pictures of our ride up the mountain tomorrow. Talk about breathtaking!
Rule number 1 when on holidays - permanently attach ones camera to ones body in case of emergancy.
I love all your photo's and the thought of you freezing while I sit hit with sweat pouring off me is just so not fair! :) I am glad you had a great time and hope the new year is even better for you.
It was a lot of fun! Actually, my mom took the camera because they were going to find the lake when we were just going for a walk. Somehow, we also found the lake. Don't worry! I'll be sweating here in no time! Happy New Year and stay cool!
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