On the ride up, it amazed me how quiet it was - when the kids were not screaming. Had I been alone, it would have been almost a religious experience. There is something so magical about the mountains!
The views were spectacular and I had more trouble looking at our route up, rather than looking at the lake below. Stunning!
We got to our first stop: a lookout platform about 8500 feet up. The entire lake was visible and the few clouds in the sky were at eye-level.
At our next stop, the skiers were getting off the gondola to go down the mountain. The trees were heavy with snow and it was truly a white landscape. So incredibly beautiful! This was at 9100 feet.
I will never forget this view. It was cold up on the mountain; my nephew's M&Ms froze as he ate them. How many times can I say this...stunning!
Words escape me - the photos are just lovely. I wish it would snow on my side of Australia. Unfortunately WA is mostly sea level so it just doesn't happen. Not like this anyway. Makes me homesick for those child hood days when I used to get up to the snow on occaision. My dad would make the greatest snowmen and women. Well back to the present and I have to go pack.
Yeah, I'm running out of adjectives myself! I've never had snow - except for the two years in grad school and then, no one wanted to get out and play in it!
I hope you're doing well!
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