What is Roma without the Colosseum?? Here is the necessary pic for any Roma travelogue. It's actually really close to our apartments which is nice!
After touring the Flavian Ampitheatre, we headed to the Palatine Hill, a place I'd never been to. Above is what is left of the octagonal fountain in the public areas of the Domus Augustana, the palace of the Roman emperors.
I don't know who this dude is, but we encountered him in a park on one of our walks around town. Interesting, eh?
We also discovered a Scottish Presbyterian church which had a beautiful coutryward.
Last night we headed to an Anglican church, St. Paul Within the Walls, to hear a concert we'd seen advertised of Faure's Requiem. I'd actually heard this one and it's very beautiful. The choir wasn't superb - they could really benefit from working on their consonants which would be easier if they opened their mouths - but then again, I'm picky about choirs. It was a gorgeous space and I'm glad we went. My only major complaint was the lack of A/C in a church packed with 85 sweating musicians. Ha!
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