Monday, March 5, 2018

Results and Conclusions: Butt and Plateau Buster Months

It's been a transformative two months.  I've found out what - I think - works for my body and I have Cathe to thank for a lot of it.  

These past two months consisted of two rotations that Cathe devised - one for busting through plateaus and one for Rock Bottoms.  


My motivation was great - really, it hardly ever wavers - especially once I started seeing results.  It had been so long since I'd seen any change in my body that I was ecstatic to see something.  

That being said, my motivation to the the BBW (Bonus Butt Workout) and 300 walking lunges was not that great.  Sticking those on to already intense weekend workouts was not easy.  I may have to readjust when I do these if I do the Rock Bottoms rotation again.


I lost 4.4 pounds.  And I have no idea how much muscle I gained but I think it was quite a bit.  Why?  I increased my protein, aiming to get 100g a day, which - in theory - should have meant I developed more muscle while burning fat.  And it seems to have worked.  The minute I upped my protein, the pounds came off.  Sure, they were slow to budge but they did, in the end!

By the end, I lost 1.75" off my waist, 1.25" off my hips, .25" off my thighs and arms.  Not huge, but, a lot for me!  

Going Forward

After vacation, I will embark on a metabolic rotation - filled with Cathe workouts.  I'll be doing more of her live workouts, which are always fun.  

Because of how much change I saw in my legs - and maybe my bum, I don't know - I'll probably do another Rock Bottoms rotation in the fall.  

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