His "real" cat - the one he adopted and intended to be an only cat - is Sidious. The other cat he found outside his home - a terrified kitten who he took in.

Sidious is named after Darth Sidious in STAR WARS. (Not many un-geeks know who Sidious is.) Sidious, despite her name, is a girl with the shiniest black coat I've ever seen. She's about three years old now, but still has some kitten-ish moments at times....like when she plays in bags. She's sweet but has still never forgiven me for stealing away her daddy. We're not best buds but she tolerates me.

Dooku is named after Count Dooku in STAR WARS. We recently found out he's a Maine Coon...and so cute! He's like a little shadow, following us around from room to room. At only two years old, he's still very playful...almost too playful! I wish he were more of a lap cat but he's a genuine Maine Coon in that he much prefers to be near you, not on you.

Here they are, helping me unpack books in my study. So helpful are these little kittehs! We're one big, happy, furry family!
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