Monday, March 11, 2019

Cathe Metabolic 2 of 2019: Week 1

Back from vacation - and ready to get back into the routine.

We had a great time.  And my body appreciated the break from workouts.  I seriously think it's beneficial to take a week-long break from workouts.  It helps mentally and physically.

Monday: Travel day

Tuesday: Cathe's HIIT 30/30

Why I chose to do this workout the first day back is beyond me.  Thankfully, it's not super long.  I worked hard and surprised myself by doing some of the moves - tuck jumps - that I doubted were possible.  Yay!  That was my only workout today, due to lunch obligations and unpacking at home.

Wednesday: Cathe's Pyramid Lower Body + walk + YWA

I probably should not have chosen this lower body workout as my first one since the cruise.  It's a bit intense.  That being said, I need to do it again - maybe  a lot more often.  It is effective!  You start with a lighter weight, do 12 reps, up your weight and do 10 reps, up your weight and do 8 reps, lower your weight and do 10 reps, lower your weight and do 12 reps. My legs were a bit shaky afterward.  At lunch, I walked at the rec and did sit-ups.  Then, this YWA was a great way to stretch out my poor legs.

Thursday: Cathe's ICE: Chiseled Upper Body + walk + Strong and Sweaty Abs

Today was upper body day.  And this was a good workout to re-introduce my arms to weights.  Cathe does a lot of unique exercises in this video, since it's for her intermediate series.  It's a great way to ease into weightlifting.  At lunch, I walked again at the rec and then did some planks.  And after work, I did this ab routine, which is seriously challenging.   Wow.

Friday: Cathe' Low Impact Blast Off Circuit

I wanted a bit more cardio this week so I chose this live workout - it was half cardio and half weights.  The cardio was all low impact, which really helped my achy feet.  The weights were good but I couldn't go too heavy because my arms were achy from the previous day. All in all, it was a good workout.

Saturday: Cathe's Circuit Works Plus Barre and Core

This workout was great.  Cathe moves you quickly from cardio to weights, cardio to weights.  Your heart rate stays up and you never get bored - at least I didn't.  It really worked me hard and I didn't even use super heavy weights - 8 lb.  But I like workouts that move quickly and give me little time to think - and this one is just that!

Sunday: Cathe's To the Max + abs

Cardio today!  My feet were a bit achy from all the cardio the last few days, but I pushed on and through this workout. It's definitely one of the better cardio workouts - varied to keep you interested.  I used lighter weights, to give my arms a break.  I worked hard, doing 40 minutes and then five minutes of my own cardio to finish it and cool down.  Then, the abs from this workout - which combines upper body strength.  Whew!  Finally, a stretch.

Calorie Counts:

I didn't eat great this week - but I'm giving myself two weeks to be a bit naughty before buckling down again.

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