Monday, March 18, 2019

Cathe Metabolic 2 of 2019: Week 2

This week will not be good, eating-wise.  We're taking some time to celebrate birthdays and Spring Break.  Oy.

But I'm going to try to be good whenever possible!

Monday: Cathe's HIIT 40/20 + LITE Calorie Party

It's always difficult doing these HIIT workouts first thing on a Monday morning.  To ease the pain a bit, I did a bit of Calorie Party before the HIIT - and after.  And it was a lot of fun!  Cathe keeps coming up with new ways to keep us moving and I love it!  All in all, combining the two made for a great workout!

Tuesday: Cathe's LITE: Strong Body Stacked Sets: Upper + walk + YWA

Yay, a new workout!  This upper body workout from Cathe's new LITE series was fun, different, and very effective.  Cathe gave you about 5-8 exercises in each stacked set, which were repeated once.  My arms had a hard time keeping up!  At lunch, I walked at the rec center (despite the rain to get there) and did sit-ups.  And after work, this YWA helped me to relax and calm down.  

Wednesday: Cathe's LITE: Strong Body Stacked Sets: Lower + walk

Wow, my arms were sore today!  Since I did the upper portion of Stacked Sets yesterday, I decided I should do the lower body portion today.  It is no joke, just like the upper body workout.  My legs were burning!  I was so proud of myself for even working out today, considering I had about 2 hours of sleep the night before.  Oy.  At lunch, I walked and did my planks at the rec center.

Thursday: Cathe's Ab Circuits (No Equipment) + YWA

Rest day - finally!  I took this opportunity to do a longer ab workout - this one is about 17 minutes long.  And it definitely woke up my core!  After that, I tuned into this lovely YWA, intended to wake-up the body.  A good morning!

Friday: Cathe's Strong and Sweaty: Total Body Giant Sets

I do enjoy total body weight training days.  And this workout is fun and effective.  I went a tiny bit lighter on legs in order to hit all my upper body muscle groups.  But my legs definitely got a workout.  This was a great way to get the blood pumping in the wee hours of the early morning!

Saturday: Rest day

Unexpected but necessary.

Sunday: Cathe's Crossfire + Strong and Sweaty Abs

After missing yesterday's workout, I had a tough one scheduled for today.  Crossfire is still my most dreaded Cathe workout.  I just don't like it.  And it was tough this morning.  But I did it and I did it all!  Well, mostly - 50 minutes of it.  (My only modification was to not use the firewalker band - I forgot it.)  I then did the really tough Strong and Sweaty ab workout.  Finally, a stretch.  My body was in shock!

Calorie Counts:

Not so good this week.  But, next week will be better!

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