Thursday, May 12, 2011

Newlywed Glow

Someone mentioned "newlywed glow" the other day and I laughed. Here's how much glow we have....

We came home to find the cats had made some serious messes in the house. Spent three hours cleaning that up and finally got to bed at 3am.

The next morning we awoke to find a water leak outside. Water is turned off for most of the day.

We have a reception at home to get ready for on Saturday and a house to make spotless before guests arrive on Friday. There's a mound of mud in our front flower bed where the plumber had to dig down to the pipes. Oh and the lawn can't be mowed due to crazy rains.

There has been no time to sit down and have a quiet moment together between cleaning and back-to-work stress.

Glow? More like newlywed circles under my eyes and frazzled nerves. I was really trying to stay positive but that ended this morning. There's no way to keep from being overwhelmed.

So, it looks like pictures will have to wait until next week. But I promise to get some up then!

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