Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Settling Down

After a month of craziness, things are now - thankfully! - settling down.

The house is empty. The bags are unpacked. The wedding decorations are stored. All is quiet. Except when there's a Mavs game on! (GO MAVS!) It's a welcome relief. After the weekend, I finally feel rested and back to normal. I'd forgotten what this feels like!

I had such an amazing time the past few weeks.... And now, I can't wait to scrapbook it all! I've already started going through pictures, tagging those I want to print to include in the book. There are so many pictures....and so many wedding events. I'm probably going to have two albums chronicling all the happenings since the engagement.

It's going to be a lot of fun!


Mischief Maker said...

So where are the wedding photos? I want to see you all dressed up in white. :)

Doniamarie said...

Ha! You can view them all on Facebook! I'm a little hesitant to post too many hear, but I'll do a few more here and there on the blog.