Monday, August 13, 2018

Cathe Mish Mosh: Week 3

This week, I'm back to Cathe!  And I'm going back to a seriously difficult strength series: Gym Style!

Let's see just how painful this is going to be...

Monday: Cathe's High Intensity Cardio Step

I wasn't really excited about more cardio this morning but I had high hopes for this Cathe Live workout.  And it did not disappoint.  There was no crazy complex step choreography in this step workout!  Yes!  It was easy to follow, intense, and effective!  I really enjoyed the steady cardio - which Cathe doesn't do often.  There were a few blasts thrown in but most of it was steady.  I stopped it before she got to weights and cooled down a bit.  Nice!

Tuesday: Cathe's Gym Style: Back, Shoulders, and Biceps + walk + YWA

These Gym Style workouts are incredible.  I've been wanting to revisit them, as the last time I did them was in the fall.  And I need muscles for my bikini in 11 weeks.  Ha!  This is not an easy workout - I lifted as heavy as I could.  And I did concentration curls, which I abhor.  At lunch, I walked at the rec center since I needed steps.  I also did my sit-ups.  There are not going to be many opportunities for yoga this week, so I did one today, when I knew I had time.  And this was a good one!

Wednesday: Cathe's Gym Style: Legs + walk

I knew I was in for some pain today - and I was right.  This leg workout is intense!  I love it!  Ha!  Squats, pulsing lunges, more low pulsing lunges, leg presses, and floor!  Every inch of your legs suffer - er, grow stronger! - with this workout.  My heart was pounding for most of the standing work.  At lunch, I walked at the rec center - so that, afterwards, I could stretch out my tired legs.  I also planked!

Thursday: Michelle's BodyFit 360 Vol. 4: Energize + abs

Rest day!  And this was the perfect opportunity to try Michelle Dozois' new BodyFit workout, which was just released.  I didn't get to do it all but what I did do was a lot of fun!  The dance sequences were creative and energizing - go figure!  I didn't do the sculpt but I did some of the stretch, which was also very good.  This is a great addition to this 360 series!  I added on some abs - Cathe's Crossfire abs.  

Friday: Cathe's Gym Style: Chest and Triceps

OMG.  So I remembered this one being painful; I definitely remembered the 72 push-ups that begin the workout.  But I did not remember just how painful it is.  I couldn't press as much weight as usual after all those push-ups.  And then, after all the chest work, the tricep exercises were traumatic.  At one point, my entire chest - boobs and all - were visibly shaking from the effort it took my triceps to lift 8 pounds.  EIGHT POUNDS.  Ouch.

Saturday: Dozois' Peak 10 Cardio Strength + abs

This morning, I went back to Michelle Dozois' original Cardio Strength.  What a workout!  This one is really good and straight-forward because the choreography isn't all that complicated.  The strength moves are simple and the cardio is tough - and not overly dance-y.   I did 4 rounds for a total of 45 minutes - and it was not easy!  Dang!  After that, I did about 8 minutes of abs from a live Cathe workout.  Then, a stretch!

Sunday: Cathe's Hi-Lo HIIT Live + Nordin's Butt Bible 1

HIIT today!  Cathe's Hi-Lo HIIT is short and sweet, with cardio that runs for 30 minutes.  It wasn't easy, but it was fun!  Cathe alternates a high impact HIIT move with a low impact HIIT move.  Sometimes the low impact HIIT feels easy, but not generally - so your heart rate stays up the entire time.  After that, it was time for my lower body torture session with Pauline Nordin. I added some weights to the squats and bridges, making those especially fun.  After that 25 minutes, a stretch!

Calorie Counts:

Monday - 1812
Tuesday - 1277
Wednesday - 1277
Thursday - 1233
Friday - 1737
Saturday - 1588
Sunday - BAD

Not a great week....  But I'll be on the straight and narrow come September, so I'd better enjoy this time!

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