Monday, August 6, 2018

Cathe Mish Mosh: Week 2

I'm back from a short trip out of town.  While my muscles and feet may have rested, I came back tired from all the driving and late nights with friends.  

Life is never perfect, eh?

Monday: Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Muscle Definition (#2) + walk

These Kelly Coffey-Meyer Muscle Definition workouts are great!  There are some very different exercises that really make me hurt the next day!  Ha!  KCM is no Cathe or Michelle Dozois but she creates an effective workout.  And I like her 30 minute workouts (which are really closer to 40 with warm-up and stretch).  At lunch, I walked at the rec center and did my sit-ups.  I was happy to know that four days off don't make sit-ups more difficult!

Tuesday: Cathe's Compound HIIT

Wow!  Talk about a crazy good, fast workout!  This Compound HIIT clocks in at 37 minutes - but you work hard for those 37 minutes!  Cathe takes you through a HIIT move, a compound weighted move, a HIIT move, a compound weighted move...  There are no "easy" moves in this workout but at least it's over quickly!  

Wednesday: Cathe's Vertical Loading + walk

I've been curious about this workout since Cathe posted it.  Vertical loading refers to strength training that starts at the top of the body and works its way down.  So, shoulders, biceps, chest, triceps, back, legs.  That order may be incorrect but it's something like that.   There are 3 sets of 6 exercises that are repeated twice.  Whew!  This was a good, sweaty strength workout!!  At lunch, I walked at the rec center to get some steps.  I'm coming down with a cold, it seems, and everything has been snowballing after our trip...meaning I'm really worn out.  Oy.

Thursday: Dozois' Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn

This morning, I woke up early, thanks to the beginnings of a head cold.  Sigh.  While I wasn't incapacitated by it, I decided to do this CIB.  It's not easy but I did the best I could and got through 4 peaks before having to stop.  It felt good to work hard but 4 peaks is about all I can do before my feet start hurting.  Thank you, plantar fasciitis.  I managed 50 minutes of work, including a warm-up and cool down - so that was great!

Friday: YWA + Dozois' On the Go Workouts (abs)

For my rest day, I had every intention of doing a Body Fit 360... But my head cold (thank you, travel stress) has slowed me down a bit.  I decided to do a YWA instead, to help my body rest a bit.  And this one is really nice - a good flow without being too intense.  It felt so good to do yoga after a 1.5 week hiatus.  I tacked on ten minutes of abs as well, to feel a bit more productive.

Saturday: Dozois' PeakFit: Anytime Anywhere + YWA

I hate this workout.  I love Michelle but I hate this workout.  In my defense, this one is unlike anything else Michelle has choreographed - and she pretty much admits it was her husband's creation in the video.  So, there you go.  I worked hard and was happy I got through as much as I did - all of it - but the last two HIITS almost did me in.  This one always feels like an accomplishment.  I rewarded myself with a short YWA to cool down.  Then, a stretch.

Sunday: Dozis' Peak 10 More Cardio Strength + Nordin's Butt Bible 1 + Dozois' On the Go Workouts (abs)

This morning, I was feeling a bit better so I attempted a harder workout.  And almost died.  LOL....oy.  This CS is one of the toughest - and it is the toughest in many ways. You go up and down from the floor so much, it really wears me down.  I got through 30 minutes, barely, which was my goal.  I then tuned into Pauline Nordin's first Butt Bible video, which is 20 minutes long.  Ouch!  I'm going to feel that one. Then, my second round of abs for the week, followed by a stretch.  Whew!

Calorie Counts:

This week was all messed up.  I was good when I could be but some days were not at all good.  Sigh.

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