Monday, October 22, 2018

Cathe Mish Mosh: Week 13

My last - not even full - week of workouts before vacation!  

I couldn't be happier with the results of this 13-week rotation.  Seriously.  Cathe is the best in the business.  It's even more amazing considering I downgraded my streaming subscription on October 1 to only her live workouts.  

But Cathe is amazing - in any form.

Monday: Cathe's High/Low HIIT

HIIT would not have been my first choice for this morning....  But I knew I may be eating an unhealthy lunch - which was, indeed, a reality.  So this HIIT was a good choice today - especially because the cardio clocked in at 35-ish minutes.  But this was not easy; Cathe works you really hard.  But that's good, right?!  This HIIT was just as it sounds - a high impact move, a low impact move - over and over.

Tuesday: Cathe's Upper Body Boot Camp + walk 

This upper body workout was grouped together by muscle groups - with abs between sections.  I skipped the abs so that I could do more arms.  Cathe moved quickly and then repeated all the muscle groups, but with fewer exercises.  I did what I could in the time I had.  At lunch, I walked at the rec center (on a very rainy day) and did some ab work.  

Wednesday: Cathe's Legs with Weights and Stability Ball + walk + abs

A rough night of sleeplessness meant that this workout was probably a bit harder than it should have been.  I didn't lift as heavy as usual, because my legs were still shaky from Saturday's Butt Bible.  Sigh.  But this was a good workout - and one that I did not remember doing six months ago.  My legs were shaking by the end.  At lunch, I walked - for the last time before vacation! - at the rec center.  Again, in the rain.  I planked and stretched my poor legs.  After work, I pieced together some Cathe Live workouts for 15 minutes of abs.  Ouch.

Thursday: Cathe's Step Blasts Plus Weights

I wanted cardio and weights for my last workout before vacation so this one seemed good.  One cardio move, one compound move, one arm move.  Or something like that.  The blasts weren't too difficult since they used the step.  And that was good because I was tired!  I'm so ready for vacation!

Friday - Sunday: VACATION

Calorie Counts:

Monday - 1733
Tuesday - 1156
Wednesday - 1201
Thursday - unknown

I weighed on Thursday morning and was the same, miraculous weight as I was on Saturday.  That means I'm down 8.8 pounds from the heaviest I've been.  That's only 1.2 pounds over my post-thyroid perfect-world ideal (that may be unrealistic).  I'm ecstatic.  I can't say anything more than that.

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