Monday, October 8, 2018

Cathe Mish Mosh: Week 11

I'm officially ready for vacation.  So, of course, the next three weeks will drag by at a snail's pace.

But I'm determined to keep making progress with my workouts and healthy eating - though I'm hungry and sore daily.  Fun, fun.

Monday: Cathe's Strong Upper Body with Core + walk + YWA

Another night of sleeplessness meant this morning was painful.  I was happy to do upper body weights since that's the lesser of all evils on such a morning.  But Cathe tested me with three reps of each exercise.  My muscles were protesting - loudly - by the end of this video.  At lunch, I walked at the rec center to get steps and stretch out my sore legs (thankfully, not sore hamstrings!).  After work, this YWA helped calm me down after a long day.

Tuesday: Cathe's Booty Max + walk + XTrain Abs 2

This week's leg day came after - finally! - a good night of sleep, making it seem much more doable.  But my legs were still sore from Saturday so this one wasn't painless.  I lifted as heavy as I could, which my arms did not appreciate.  This was a good workout but I felt last week's Rock Bottoms more in my bum.  Either way, I'll take a good leg workout any day of the week!  At lunch, I walked at the rec center and did sit-ups.  And after work, I decided to get my butt kicked by this ab workout again.  Fun.

Wednesday: Cathe's Low Impact HIIT Circuit + YWA

I was ready for some cardio today.  And this one is great - and it's the second time I've done it.  It consists of two cardio moves and then two strength moves.  Repeat.  My heart rate got higher in most of the strength moves than the cardio!  I like how varied this one is; I never get bored.   My arms and legs, however, do get tired after so much weighted work....  But that's what metabolic rotations are all about.  At the end of a long day, this YWA was very nice - and it got me a bit sweaty!

Thursday: Dozois' PeakFit Dynamic Flexibility

Today's rest day came at just the right time.  I'm incredibly worn out.  So this morning's workout - my favorite rest day workout - was perfect!  Michelle always makes me happy and I loved flowing with her in this video!  I wish there were more like this one!

Friday:  Cathe's Total Body Tone Up

Another great Cathe Live workout.  I really enjoyed this one, especially because Cathe didn't put all the muscle groups together.  You do two exercises and then repeat them once...and move on.  Sometimes I could increase my weight but sometimes I needed to decrease it.  A very effective morning workout!

Saturday:  Cathe's Super Cuts with Cardio Blasts + Nordin's Butt Bible 3

I like Super Cuts and was intrigued to try a live version with cardio mixed in.  And it worked really well.  Super Cuts is metabolic because you're moving through compound and normal exercises very quickly.  Adding cardio to it made it even better, in my opinion.  I did that for only 25 minutes and then it was time for Butt Bible torture.  But I'm learning that I actually like this workout - except for the leg presses.  Those killed me every time.  After that 40 minutes, a nice, long stretch.

Sunday: Cathe's Total Body HIIT + abs

I'm getting a little tired of weights - of everything having to do with weights.  This workout, again, used weights.  There were long cardio blasts but then 2-3 weighted moves.  My legs were hurting from Butt Bible so they did not appreciate the lunges and squats.  This is a good workout but was just a bit weight-heavy for me today.  After that (45 minutes), I did the abs from Monday's live workout.  Then, a nice stretch.  My hamstrings were a bit sore from yesterday.  Sigh.

Calorie Counts:

Monday - 1194
Tuesday - 1187
Wednesday - 1221
Thursday - 1689
Friday - 1305
Saturday - 1310
Sunday - 1197

I didn't weigh this week but I will next week.  I ate a bit more, due to work events.  I hated it but I've been so hungry....  Sigh.

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