Monday, January 7, 2019

Cathe Metabolic 1 of 2019: Week 1

I know my title is a mouthful.....but I'm going to be doing more metabolic rotations so I need to be specific for my OCD-ness.  Ha!

The amazing thing about this month.....  DEDICATE by Adriene of Yoga with Adriene!  Every January, Adriene puts together a 30-day series to get you back into your yoga groove.  This will be my third year doing her January series and I'm so excited.  I haven't been doing much yoga due to time constraints but January should definitely calm down a bit!

Monday: Cathe's Boxing, HIIT Blasts, and Core

The holidays are almost over.....  On this New Year's Eve, I worked hard, doing this entire workout.  And it was fun - boxing, then HIIT, then core, just as described.  I liked that the HIIT alternated high and low impact.  I added on a bit more cardio to get in more time. Then, the core, at the end, was brutal.  Brutal!  Cathe's core DVDs may be the toughest but these live workouts, that move so fast, are equally tough.

Tuesday: Cathe's Blast, Barre, and Bands

Though we had family festivities for New Year's today, I managed to workout before it all began.  And I love this video, which I've done once before.  You do a few cardio moves, then a weighted move, then barre, and, finally, a long set of band work, focusing on a muscle group.  The band work really fatigued my muscles, which is why I love it so much.  And barre is just so must be good, right?!  Ha!  50 minutes of work today and then a stretch.

Wednesday: Cathe's Bun Burners Barre and Ball + walk + YWA

Ouch!  This workout is the real deal.  I did it once before, over a year ago, but had no memory of it (big surprise).  You start off with standing leg work with no weights...but that doesn't mean it was painless.  Quite the contrary!  I was in tons of pain.  You then move on to barre - equally painful - and then floorwork.  I didn't get through all the floor stuff but this was a great workout.  At lunch, I walked and did sit-ups.  And, after a long day back at work, this YWA, kicking off Dedicate, was great.  And relaxing.

Thursday: Cathe's Super Cuts + walk + YWA

Time for total body today and there is nothing better than this metabolic strength training workout from Cathe.  Super Cuts alternates compound, upper, and lower body exercises to keep your heart pounding and your muscles guessing.  After all the leg work in the past few days, I was tired by the end of this one!  Ha!  At lunch, I walked to get some steps, since Cathe only gave me 1700 of them.  And then, after work, this YWA was a great way to get back into the practice of yoga.  

Friday: YWA

I can't believe how sore I am from two days of yoga.  My hands hurt, this morning, from having spent so much time on all fours and in down dog the past two days.  And it wasn't just my hands - my arms and shoulders also ached.  Wow!  Adriene sure knows how to make you work.  I was glad this was my only workout today!

Saturday: Cathe's XTrain: Cardio Leg Blast + YWA

Today was tough - a second leg day in one week.  This XTrain workout alternates cardio and strength to really make your legs jelly.  I skipped the last two exercises - stopping at 45 minutes.  I then stretched and tuned into Day 4 of Dedicate.   It was nice and relaxing and contained some good leg stretches, which was a bonus.  I felt a bit rushed through it - and I skipped a bit in the beginning - because hubby was waiting on me to put up Christmas decorations.  That process really finished off my legs.

Sunday: Cathe's Crossfire + abs + YWA

Why I chose to do this workout - my most hated among Cathe's repertoire - the first week back on the straight and narrow is beyond me.  But I had it on my schedule so I did it.  And I hated it, as always.  Why?  Because it's her toughest workout, in my opinion.  It's non-stop.  My heart rate skyrocketed to over 180 in the first 10 minutes.  Holy cow!  I did 45 minutes of this workout and then five minutes of the abs, which are not your ordinary ab exercises.  Then, I stretched and did my YWA Dedicate practice.  My knees were hurting from yesterday's un-decorating process.  Sigh.

Calorie Counts:

Monday - Tuesday - BAD
Wednesday - 1187
Thursday - 1207
Friday - 1386
Saturday - 1171
Sunday - 1227

I weighed on Sunday...and kind of wish I hadn't.  But I know how much I need to lose - ten pounds.  Oy.

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