Monday, January 21, 2019

Cathe Metabolic 1 of 2019: Week 3

A new week - and one I'm hoping is a lot less sore than last week.

But I didn't start off well - my legs were still aching from Saturday's workout.  YWA is definitely having an impact - stretching and gaining strength that I'd lost in my upper body.  It really is a great way to start the year.

Monday: Cathe's Upper Body Circuit with HIIT + walk + YWA

I decided to mix things up this week with an upper body strength workout that was also metabolic.  This workout has circuits that contain one HIIT cardio move and two weighted upper body strength moves.  Some of the HIIT was a bit much for me this morning - my feet were hurting from my weekend of cardio - so I took it down a notch.  I still got a great workout!  At lunch, I walked to get more steps.  This YWA, at the end of the day, helped me stretch my tired muscles.

Tuesday: Cathe's Intensity + YWA 

Cardio day...and my feet were sore from so much jumping in the past few days.   Sigh.  I did the step portion of this video followed by half the high intensity HIIT and all the low intensity HIIT.  That helped my feet a bit.  I tried not to walk too much at work - stupid plantar fasciitis - but it's impossible not to walk at a university.  After work, this YWA was very nice and calming.

Wednesday: Cathe's Gym Style: Legs + walk + YWA

I wasn't looking forward to leg day but then, I was just glad to not be jumping.  This workout is a bit torturous in places, but it wasn't as awful as I'd remembered, thank goodness.  Ha!  I got through it - most of the standing and a bit of the floorwork - and was glad to get it done.  My hips hurt for the rest of the day....  And walking at lunch helped only because I stretched afterward.  This YWA was nice - and it didn't hurt my hips!

Thursday: YWA + YWA

What a delicious way to wake up in the morning!  This YWA was so perfect today.  My hips and legs were super sore so this was just perfect.  I anticipated not being able to do a YWA tomorrow so I downloaded the practice and did it after work.  It, too, was quite nice - Adriene was intentionally giving the back a break, which was much appreciated.

Friday: Cathe's Flex Train

Today was my metabolic day.  And I love how Flex Train starts - revving up your heart rate and making you sweat.  Unfortunately, the heavy emphasis on upper body strength means the heart rate goes down....  But this is still a great workout.  And it's always nice to do something different.  As I thought, there was no time for a YWA after work today so I'm glad I got it done on Thursday.

Saturday: Cathe's 4 Day Split: Kickbox + YWA

A different workout this morning - from Cathe's 4 Day Split series, which is a bit older. But this is a good workout, combing cardio, kicking, and punching.  After 30 minutes of cardio, you go into lower body weights.  I did about 15 minutes of that before I called it quits - my legs can only take so much. I then stretched really well and did today's YWA: Dedicate.  And it was another good one!  

Sunday: Cathe's X10 + abs + YWA

My legs - well, mostly my quads - were really sore today.  Amazing, considering I didn't feel like my legs were worked that hard yesterday.  So, it was a bit of a struggle to get through the very intense X10 workout - of which I did three segments (step, cardio blast, and low impact).  That meant 45 minutes of work.  I then did five minutes of abs and stretched.  My workout ended with today's YWA: Dedicate, which was nice and light.  Just what I needed!

Calorie Counts:

Monday - 1188
Tuesday - 1310
Wednesday -1215
Thursday - 1169
Friday - 1223
Saturday - 1783
Sunday - 1189

The scale is not moving as much as I would like.  I'm trying to not get completely discouraged, but it's hard.  Sigh.

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