Monday, July 18, 2011

A Rant About the Theater

I went to see Harry Potter on Saturday with Mr. Higgins and a friend. There have been few interesting movies of late, so I've not seen much.

So it's always a shock when I go see a movie and observe how little respect and common courtesy are observed by my fellow citizens.

-A man sat down right next to me, though half the theater was empty.

-The same man answered his cell phone when the previews were ending and the movie was beginning - and talked a few minutes into the move!

-The kids behind us narrated the film for us.

-The same kids kicked my chair and then looked accusingly at me when I turned around.

-The same kids made disgusting noises every time they took a swig from their drinks.

-The man beside me checked his phone in the middle of the movie, effectively turning on a flashlight in a darkened theater.

And, as Mr. Higgins always says, what disturbances did we cause? None. To no one. We're always respectful and courteous of other people....both of which are rarely, if ever, returned.

1 comment:

the secret knitter said...

As someone who spends more than a little time in movie theaters, I can tell you that etiquette there in general is usually terrible. In my experience older people are as bad as, if not worse than, younger people. Perhaps more than the rudeness, it's the sense of entitlement I find appalling.

That said, in the normal run of things, I often see films at off peak times. This isn't a guarantee that you'll avoid the problems--hey, nobody's here so I'll check my phone constantly!--but your chances are better.