Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This weekend brought about an exciting thing - books!

I left most of my books at my parents' house when I moved back to the city and it's been a slow process bringing them back with me after visits to the country. I now have 3/4 of them in my new study, which is now, finally, looking like a study. Awesome!

Books make a space so much warmer and personal, I think. You can tell a lot about a person from the books they read. And from how they organize them! Ha!

I love organizing books! I love finding the most efficient way to put them on shelves. And, most of all, I love organizing my history books chronologically. Each book - and the memories associated with it - is re-discovered when a book is re-shelved. It's a fun, nostalgic, engrossing process for me.

And yes, I'm now on to the fourth book in Martin's series, A Feast for Crows. The title does not bring about good images. We'll see!

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