Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Having Kids

I guess it's that time. Many of my friends are having babies. When friends of friends find out that I don't want kids, the response is a vehement gasp, "why?!"

Let me just say that not wanting kids does not mean that you're strange. It means that you're responsible enough to make a decision that goes against what many in society view as the norm. From an early age we're told, "you'll be a mother some day," and "one day, when you have kids, you'll understand..." It's drilled into us that we're supposed to have kids. Our lives are supposed to follow a typical road - get married, have 2.5 kids, have even more grand-children.

I never thought I'd have kids, I never wanted kids, and I always argued when someone said, "you'll change your mind." I've never changed my mind. Kids are not something I need for my life to be complete. I want other things out of life.

This is not wrong. As I said before, it's responsible. There are enough people on this planet. There are enough people chipping away at our natural resources. I'm tired of people. Therefore, why in the world would I attempt to make more?!

I admire those who start families these days. It's not easy in this world, with this economy. I wish them luck. I'll be happy to knit them baby clothes. After all, baby clothes are less time consuming than adult clothes! And I'm perfectly content being an aunt only. That's the way it's supposed to be.

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