Monday, May 7, 2018

Metabolic Rotation Addendum: Week 1 of 3

I have three weeks until vacation but just finished an 8-week Metabolic Rotation so I'm using these weeks to try some new Cathe workouts and add in some Michelle Dozois, just to change it up.

The past eight weeks have been great and I really enjoyed all the metabolic workouts.  I really hope I don't miss them too much!

Monday: Cathe's Fit Split: Low Impact Cardio & Metabolic Conditioning + walk + YWA

A new workout!  Fit Split is Cathe's newest workout series and I'm going to try all four videos this week!  So exciting!  All of them combine cardio and strength.  Each begins with cardio and ends with strength and seem about equally split on time between the two.  This low impact cardio was a lot of fun - some different moves and combinations made it seem really fresh.  The weighted metabolic conditioning was fantastic - lots of compound moves that kept my heart rate up.  At lunch, I walked at the rec after realizing how stiff my legs were.  WTH!?  So I stretched really well after a good walk.  And then this YWA helped me stretch even more!

Tuesday: Cathe's Strong and Sweaty: Cardio Slam

This week is definitely different!  It's been a while since I last did Cardio Slam and I'm always amazed at how hard it works me - especially out of the gate - and how much I enjoy it.  Cathe is very innovative in finding moves that keep up the heart rate - even with the sporadic low impact moves she treats you to.  All in all, this one wore me out!

Wednesday: Cathe's Fit Split: Shred Cardio & Push Day + walk + YWA

And this morning, I remembered why I can't do this much cardio: plantar fasciitis.  Ouch!  My feet definitely complained during the cardio portion of this workout - blasts with a step (which I don't have).  It was good, innovative, and mostly fun cardio...but my feet did not enjoy it.  The push day weights included chest, triceps, shoulders, and quadriceps.  And my shoulders definitely felt it!  At work, I walked because I was lacking in steps.  And after a long day, this YWA was really nice.

Thursday: YWA

Since I could only do one thing today on this rest day, I chose a YWA, of course!  This is day 17 of 30 Days of Yoga.  It was a good one to do at 5:30am.  It did have some balancing (Lord of the Dance Pose) and I did really well.  I'm glad I'm getting better at some things!

Friday: Dozois' Peak 10: Cardio Interval Burn Remix

Okeydokey.  When was the last time I did one of Dozois' CIBs?  I have no idea. But doing it this morning made me realize that I should incorporate them more often into my Cathe rotations.  Cathe is great about HIIT, tabata, and circuits; Dozois is fantastic about steady state cardio.  Unfortunately, after all the cardio this week, my feet were not happy with said steady cardio.  Sigh.  But I made it through 35 minutes before I had to stop to leave early for work, due to storms.  Fun.

Saturday: Cathe's Fit Split: Mixed Impact Cardio & Pull Day + CIB + Fit Split Abs

Yay - another new workout!  This Fit Split video started off with Mixed Impact - which pretty much alternates high and low impact moves.  There were few breaks and my heart rate got pretty high a few times.  That lasted 25 minutes and I wanted more cardio.  So, I tuned back into Dozois' CIB from Friday and did one of the 10 minute segments I couldn't do the other day.  Whew!  Then it was time for weights - Pull Day, which consisted of back, shoulders, biceps, and hamstrings.  That lasted for 35 minutes.  I followed it up with Fit Split Abs, which I'd done once before and it was just as hard this time around.  Finally, a stretch.  What a day!

Sunday:  Cathe's Fit Split: Kickbox Bootcamp & Legs/Glutes + CIB

Wow.  This workout was amazing - by far, my favorite of the Fit Split series.  The kickboxing was a lot of fun - lots of cool, new combinations.  After that 30 minutes, I did my last segment of Friday's CIB.  Whew!  Then, the Fit Split Legs/Glutes was incredible - and crazy hard.  Cathe moves you through it very, very quickly so your heart is pounding throughout. I could barely keep up because I was so winded!  Finally, after over an hour of work, I stretched.  

Calorie Counts:

I was really good for three days and not so good the other days.  Oy.

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