Monday, September 10, 2018

Cathe Mish Mosh: Week 7

Time to get serious about wearing a bikini in 7-ish more weeks.

Also time to get more serious about doing YWA consistently.  My schedule should even out this week, making that possible.

Monday: Cathe's X10 + Strong and Sweaty Abs

Since I was eating bad, one last day and on a holiday, I decided to subject myself to the unrelenting torture that is X10.  I don't quite know what makes this one so tough but it is so tough.  I did three of the circuits: low-impact, Hi-Lo, and Fat-Burning.  As usual, I thought I was going to die.  Heck, I didn't get out of the low impact without wishing for death.  Oy.  After that 45 minutes, I did some ab work (this one is not easy) and then stretched.

Tuesday: Cathe's Strong and Sweaty: Ramped Up Upper Body + walk + YWA

Doing upper body work this morning was a good way to ease into the week after a long weekend.  But I didn't take it easy - I even went up in some weights.  It was a tough but good morning.  At lunch, I walked at the rec center, needing steps after getting so few in the morning.  I worked up a good sweat and then did some planks.  This YWA, at the end of an especially horrible day, was very nice.

Wednesday: Cathe's Oh My Glutes + YWA

So I was ready for pain this morning but I was not ready for such a fast-paced workout.  Cathe moves very quickly through a lot of leg exercises, barely giving you time to catch your breath.  And you need a lot of breath because your heart will pound very hard throughout this workout.  I liked it but it was a bit more intense than what I was expecting.  But, hey - intense is what I need for the bikini!

Thursday: Dozois' BodyFit 360 Vol. 2 - Dance Conditioning + YWA

This rest day came along quickly, thanks to the short work week. I wanted to move a bit so I did some of the dance from this workout and then the entire stretch.  It was very nice.  Rain and the threat of bad traffic cut it short a bit, unfortunately.  After work, I wanted a good, challenging, yet relaxing, YWA - and this one worked nicely. I got a bit sweaty and also stretched out my poor, tired legs.  It was great!

Friday: Cathe's Strong and Sweaty: Total Body Giant Sets + walk

I'm doing a lot of weights this week, focusing on the Strong and Sweaty series.  It's a great series!  My legs, however, were still really sore form Wednesday, making the leg work in this workout especially hurtful.  And I kind of wish there was just a bit less leg work - and more upper body work.  But it's still a great workout.  At lunch, I walked and did my sit-ups...always fun.

Saturday: Cathe's Strong and Sweaty: Cardio Slam + Nordin's Butt Bible 2

Cardio Slam was so much fun last week that I did it again this week - but an abbreviated version.  I love how this one raises my heart rate and keeps it up.  Today, I did 30 minutes of Cardio Slam and then moved on to Butt Bible.  Since my legs still hurt from Wednesday, I was dreading this workout.  I upped my weights, but by only a bit.  And it hurt.  So, after that hour of torture, I stretched really well.

Sunday: Cathe's Strong and Sweaty: PHA Training

I woke up feeling horrible this morning.  My head was pounding and I felt overall icky.  Because of time restraints, I had to get up and work out immediately, just like a workday.  I thought about not doing a workout.  But I made myself get up and do this PHA Training.  I got through 30 minutes before my head won the battle.  I just couldn't do anymore.  I stretched and called it a day.  Sometimes, you just can't win.

Calorie Counts:

Monday - Labor Day - bad (for the last time)
Tuesday - 1161
Wednesday - 1187
Thursday - 1048
Friday - 1477
Saturday - 1188
Sunday - 1232

I weighed on Thursday and it wasn't as bad as I feared - only 3.4 pounds over my new "good" weight.  I'm pretty sure I can get down to that weight in 7 weeks, especially since I did it in July in two weeks of healthy eating.   

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