Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tennessee Christmas

I've only had two white Christmases in my life and this year marks the second. I'm in Tennessee with my new family and it's been a great time so far. Due to the threat of bad weather, we left a day early, doing Christmas with my family on Thursday.

It's always sad to leave one's family and not see them on Christmas Day but, at the same time, exciting to learn the traditions of a new family. Mr. Higgins' family has been nothing but warm and welcoming. They were so excited to see us yesterday and that excitement made the exhaustion of waking up at 4:30am worth it! It was so cool to meet Mr. Higgins' grandfather, and to spend the day with him today.

Mr. Higgins and I went out and played in the snow today. Though there's only a few inches on the ground, we were able to make a cute mini-snowman. And snow, however small the accumulation, is always magical.

Merry Christmas everyone!! May this holiday season find you happy, warm, and blessed.

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