Wednesday, November 26, 2014


On the cruise, I managed to finish one book - but it was a big one!...  Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.  Yes, I'm the last one on the planet to read this book, but I had my reasons. 

Here's my Goodreads review....

Having heard about this series for years, I was amazed that it took me at least 100 pages to really get into this story.  Claire was not a character with which I initially felt any sort of empathy.  The character just didn't appeal to me.  Frank did - but his character leaves much to be developed. 

Enter the the time traveling...  Gabaldon's writing style was clunky to me for quite some time until I got used to it.  When Claire is settling into Scottish life, I finally found the appeal of this story.  Jamie's character is interesting, though it took me some time to like him. 

The antagonist is exceedingly unlikable but he is the glue that ties this story - and the two times in it - together.  It's an interesting concept and, by the end of the novel, I was anxious to read more to answer all my questions.  Gabaldon still has some very interesting tales to tell.

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