Monday, June 11, 2018

RWH + XTrain Rotation: Week 2

Well, I'm afraid to weigh because I feel super fat.  The only saving grace is that my clothes fit - even my dress pants, which are always the marker.

This week in the rotation features pure strength arm workouts, like last week's pure strength leg workout.  It seems to be a well-balanced rotation, and I love all the metabolic workouts interspersed throughout!   

Monday: Cathe's XTrain: Bi's and Tri's + walk + YWA

After a weekend of cardio, I was ready for weights today.  This workout taxes your biceps and triceps in every way, shape, and form.  Cathe is a master at exhausting your muscles and here, she does it in only 40 minutes.  My weights have gone down a bit since STS last summer so I'm anxious to do more strength with XTrain.  At lunch, I walked at the rec center - and it was so good to get away from the office.  This YWA was good to do at the end of a long day.

Tuesday: Dozois' BodyFit 360 Vol 2: Dance Conditioning 

Time to have fun this morning!  Michelle makes me happy so this was a good workout after a restless night of sleep.  I didn't quite do all the cardio and then I fast-forwarded to the abs and stretch.  Lovely!  YWA didn't happen but I did make up my own short, 5-minute flow.  That was nice.

Wednesday:  Cathe's XTrain: Chest, Back, and Shoulders + walk + YWA

My arms were still aching from Monday...but it was time to do more weights.  This was a new workout for me and it was just as effective as Monday's XTrain.  Whew!  I was, finally, able to get back to some of my STS weight amounts, but only for one exercise, then I'd have to go down in weight a bit.  And let me say this - I hate shoulder presses.  Hate them!  At lunch, I once again walked and did my sit-ups.  And after work, this YWA really helped calm my mind and body.

Thursday: Cathe's RWH: Lift It HIIT It Legs

Leg day!  This cardio leg workout was not new to me....but that didn't make it any easier.  Dang!  I went lighter on weights - 8 lb - to save heavier weights for the weekend...and that didn't help at all!  Cathe takes you through the circuits - one cardio move, a weighted move, cardio, weights, cardio, weights....  For about 40-45 minutes.  This one is tough but good!

Friday:  Cathe's RWH: Plyo HIIT One + Basic Step

So all this time with Cathe and I've really tried to avoid the two Plyo HIIT workouts in Ripped with HIIT.  They are tough, especially the first one.  I was huffing and puffing like nothing else!  It only lasted for 25 minutes so I did about 5 minutes of Plyo HIIT Two - much easier - and then tuned into a Cathe oldie - Basic Step.  I wanted to keep moving but cool off and this was a great way to do it!  A good morning!

Saturday: Cathe's RWH: Lower Body Circuit + XTrain Abs 2

A new-to-me workout!  Yes!  Beforehand, I was a bit confused as to how this Lower Body Circuit differed from Lift It HIIT It Legs.  Well, LIHI Legs is very structured: one cardio move, one strength move, over and over.  Lower Body Circuit is all over the place and unpredictable as to what comes next.  Even the cardio is varied - some sections are lighter step combinations and some are straight HIIT.  It was fun!  After that 45 minutes, I tuned into yet another torturous ab workout.  And then I stretched.  Finally.

Sunday: Cathe's Crossfire

Yay, the one Cathe workout I dread above all others.  This one always gets me.  But there's one thing I like about it - all the leg work.  Really, Cathe manages to tax your legs in every workout but this one really gets them.  You start with straight cardio circuits and then add in some weighted/cardio HIITs.  There's even a section that uses the fire walker band for all the moves.  That spiked my heart rate!  I like that it's broken down into sections....but it's just not my favorite.  After that 50 minutes, I was done.  I stretched.

Calorie Counts:

Monday - 1199
Tuesday - 1196
Wednesday - 1241
Thursday - 2150
Friday - 1593
Saturday - 1368
Sunday - 1335

Thursday was horrible due to Mr. Higgins' birthday, but at least that was the only awful day.  I weighed that morning, and I was still down four pounds from my big weight - so only one over what I was before the cruise.  That makes me happy!

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