Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cruise Planning

This spring is going to be a busy one. One of my best friends is planning a March wedding while my other best friend is due to give birth to her first child in May. Whew!

On top of that, Mr. Higgins and I are trying to plan out our travel for the year. He loves cruises so we've been looking at a lot of those. We actually already have one booked - the family is taking my mom on a cruise for her 60th birthday next month! We can't wait!

We were then planning on doing an Alaska cruise in June.... But the prices have not come down and are just too much right now. (Airfare is astronomical, too.) Though we were planning on this cruise, we've started looking at other options should we have to change our plans.

This is made difficult by a conundrum. All - well, 99% - of the cruise ships stop running good Caribbean routes in mid-April. They go to Europe for the summer. Good Caribbean routes do not resume until the end of hurricane season. There's no way I'm getting on a ship until hurricane season is well and truly done - so in December. That means no cruising from mid-April to December. So, we're looking at cruises in April....which is not that long after our February cruise.

Such a conundrum! But I'd rather be discussing travel options than to have no options all together!

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