Friday, April 26, 2013

Family Time

My in-laws have been in town this week, providing good distraction from the work.  Granted, I've still been working but it's nice to have activities to do after work. 

My father-in-law has been doing some genealogy work.....and that led me to dig out my huge genealogy file the other night.  Back in college, I really got into finding my family's history.  I made some great progress....but haven't done much since.  Part of the reason for this was my great Dell computer crash of 2008 - when I lost every genealogy file I'd inputted into my free software.  I cannot fully explain how frustrating that was after all the time I spent getting the information perfectly organized.

For Christmas, I asked for and received a family tree software program for my Mac.  Yay!  While in Tennessee for Christmas, I put in a lot of Mr. Higgins' family....but now I need to do my own.  And that means making sense of my huge genealogy file. 

One of the great boons of working for a university - in my opinion - is having free access to  The only problem is that I can't do everything on Ancestry remotely.  So, I may be spending some lunch breaks over the summer doing my own research at work.  

I hope to have some exciting family history stories to share later on.  In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the last few days with my in-laws before they head back to TN.  

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