Considering the number I saw on the scale last week (I knew I should have waited longer to get on the blasted thing), I'm super motivated to work as hard as possible this week. I'm even going to try to shave a few calories off my diet a few days this week when possible. Anything to make a dent in that number on the scale!!
Monday: Sh'Bam #18 + Dozois' Calorie Burning Cardio Blast
I had a rough night so it was tough to get going this morning. Thankfully, the music in Sh'Bam is so much fun that it got me moving. I'd done #18 in the last round of Combat so it was familiar - and fun! I finished off the morning with Dozois' cardio circuits - effective and challenging. Meetings today meant no lunch workout.
Tuesday: BodyCombat #63 + Scott's HIIT - Sports Inspired Intervals + walk
This morning was traumatic. Somehow, despite being an emotional wreck, I got this workout done: Combat and HIIT. Wow. This Combat had floorwork, which I've never seen in the cardio of a Combat routine. I skipped it in favor of real cardio. Scott's HIIT is always different and fun. At lunch, I walked at the rec, trying to burn more calories!
Wednesday: Grit #5 + Dozois' Burn Calories, Release Stress
Ah, my dreaded Wednesday workouts. This Grit was tough - like all the rest. At one point, I just had to stop and breathe. Wow. It's just insane. After that torture session, I turned to Dozois' level 2 workout because it can easily be taken up a notch if you want to work harder. I alternated, trying to give my body a rest while also staying active. It was a good morning.
Thursday: Amy's Complete Strength and Conditioning + walk
Today was a good day. I wanted something different with weights and since I hadn't done this workout by Amy, I decided to give it a whirl! It was fun, different, and effective. I hope. Ha! Either way, it was a nice change! At lunch, I walked the track at the rec center with a co-worker. It was good to break a light sweat!
Friday: Dozois' BodyFit 360 Vol 3: Athletic Conditioning + walk
I was so ready for a light morning…but my weight was bugging me. So I did about 20-25 minutes of the cardio from Athletic Conditioning and then all the 20 minute stretch. I always forget how intense this cardio is, so I was yearning for an end. The stretch is superb and it felt so good after all my hard work this week. At lunch, I walked around outside for 25 minutes - the weather was lovely!
Saturday: Cathe's Intensity + Amy's Total Body Sculpting
Last night, I dreamt of this workout… Intensity was very familiar when I got to it this morning. So strange!! I did all the cardio - step and Low-HIIT and High-HIIT. It's rough but at least the HIIT gives you a break between each move. I added on my own cardio to get in a full hour of work. Then, Amy's 20-minute sculpting workout. I was able to use my new 12lbs weights for some of this - yay! Then, ten minutes of stretching and ab work.
Sunday: Combat 60 Live - Ultimate Warrior's Workout + McLean's Bodyweight Assault Challenge
It's so nice not dreading a weekend workout! Combat 60 Live is a lot of fun, but a challenge as well. The leg section is super hard and my arms rarely do not hurt afterward. But it's still a good time! The cardio lasted for 45 minutes, at which point I tuned into McLean's HIIT for 15 more minutes of work. Then, a stretch and sit-ups. I would have preferred another 15 minutes of cardio but we had too much to do today.
Calorie Counts:
Monday - 1181
Tuesday - 1259
Wednesday - 1194
Thursday - 1165
Friday - 1245
Saturday - 1146
Sunday - 1202
I tried - and succeeded - in shaving off another 100 calories most days. After seeing the scale on Tuesday morning - desperate measures were called for. And, thankfully, my suffering and starvation paid off: I was down almost three pounds on Saturday morning. Thank goodness!
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