Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hello, Energy!

I'm now two months into my desiccated thyroid medication.  When my doctor first mentioned the possibility of NatureThroid, I was a bit skeptical, fearing, mainly, it would cost more than my generic synthetic thyroid meds.   And it costs a bit more but it's negligible...

And worth it.  Earlier this month, I asked Mr. Higgins, "Have said that I'm tired lately?"  He thought for a second and said, "no."  Amazing.  While I was on synthetic thyroid I had no energy - and apparently complained about it so much that it tested my husband's patience. But somehow, NatureThroid has give me back my energy.  

I went to see my endocrinologist earlier this week and told her, ecstatic to see this change in myself.  She said, when looking at my current labs, that numbers that hadn't moved finally moved!  Yes!  She also increased my dosage just a bit, which I'm hoping will help with my inability to lose weight.  

So if you're considering changed to desiccated thyroid, I highly recommend it.  The energy by itself is enough to make me wholeheartedly endorse it.  I'll keep you posted about my weight!

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