Friday, January 12, 2018

Winter Weathering

In the fall, the Farmer's Almanac came out with our winter weather prediction: a colder, wetter winter.  Then, the "news authorities" conjured up their own forecasts: a warmer, drier La Nina-induced winter.  Those authorities laughed at the Farmer's Almanac.

What has our winter been like, thus far?  Colder - much colder - and wetter.  We've had ice or snow three times already, though with no great amounts.  The entire week between Christmas and New Year's was cold, grey, and drizzly.  Our gas bill quadrupled in the span of a week.

The prediction for the coming week is still cold.  Oh, and there's another chance for freezing rain.  I love it!  I just want to stay home and knit, so can we have some honest-to-goodness snow days, already?!  What's the point of all this cold if we can't have some snow days?!  

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