Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dreams vs Reality

The last two nights have been disturbingly restless for me. Each night, I've awoken, wide awake, around 1:30am.....only to have to stay in bed for another four hours or so. It's been....tedious, to say the least.

Perhaps it's dreams that causes my restlessness....or the restlessness causes weird dreams. In any case, I've dreamed that my car was stolen at work and that a friend moved into my neighborhood to, in essence, spy on me. I know, it's weird.

If anything, my dreams tell me that I'm tired of being taken advantage of, I'm tired of having a mark on my back, I'm tired of being stabbed in the back, and I'm really tired of getting hurt. Since when did I become people's punching bag?

Lately, I cannot get from my car to the front-door without being confronted by the groundskeeper of the elementary school across from my house. He has a landscaping problem that he thinks should be my problem. I refuse to give in. I refuse to make his life easier, thereby making the neighborhood less green and lush
. No more nice Doniamarie!

Get out of my way. I've spent my life worried about what people think of me. Well, no more!

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