Wednesday, May 20, 2015

FitnessGlo Review

For over a  year now, I've paid for a subscription to FitnessGlo.  I think I can now give you a rundown of the instructors, what they do, and what's good - and not good.

There are 8 instructors who teach classes at Glo.  These classes are divided into the following categories: Balance, Barre, Cardio - Athletic, Cardio - Dance, Click & Glo, HIIT, Pilates, Step, Strength - Core, Strength - Lower Body, Strength - Upper Body, Strength - Total Body, Stretch, Tabata, Yoga Fusion.  

(The difference between Tabata and HIIT is that Tabata has shorter rest periods.  Click & Glo workouts are usually 30 or 45 minutes and are total body.  They're meant to give you your day's worth of working out in a short amount of time.)

Here's a rundown by instructor…

-Ilyse Baker teaches a lot of dance and barre….but a bit of everything else as well, besides tabata, pilates, and yoga.  She's a lot of fun and I like her workouts.  Some of her non-progressive dance workouts are a little random, like she's making it up as she goes….but that's fine because she's a lot of fun.  Her core workouts are super hard.  Ouch!

-Amy Dixon is growing on me, despite her chatty nature and no-nonsense workouts.  She doesn't do dance, she does athletic cardio, strength, weights….  This girl is for real and she will work you hard.  You won't regret a workout with her….but it won't always be all that fun.

-Michelle Dozois is my favorite, as you know by now.  She now has Peak workouts on Glo as well as HIIT, strength, cardio, and a bit of barre.  My only complaint with her Glo workouts is that there aren't enough.  Ha!  

-Patricia Friberg is the pilates/yoga fusion instructor for Glo.  There is no straight yoga on this site - for that you need to go to YogaGlo.  But Patricia offers good, effective pilates workouts and yoga fusion - as well as barre, stretch, and core workouts.  She proves that little moves can get you great results.  

-Denise Klatte is a great teacher for beginners as her workouts are low-impact and less strenuous than some of the others.  She'll guide you through workouts using lighter weights until you perfect your form and graduate to a higher level on Glo.

-Petra Kolber is one instructor I don't often use on Glo.  Her voice is annoying and her workouts aren't very difficult - in my opinion.  That being said, if you're a beginner, she's the way to go.  She offers low-impact cardio, yoga fusion, step….just about everything but at levels 1 and 2 (3 is the toughest level on Glo).  

-Alex McLean is the HIIT and Tabata guy on Glo.  These workouts are hard.  He's definitely good for the advanced exerciser as there's little room for learning in his workouts.  He also offers some dance, barre, and stretch.  Most of his are more advanced but the barre and dance videos can be a lot of fun.

-Jeffrey Scott is another HIIT and Tabata guy but he also does step and strength workouts.  He's good but I must admit I don't do a lot of his workouts.  He's either too tough, too easy, or uses a step or weights when I don't want to.  That being said, he has a lot to offer to the site.

The great thing about Glo is that there are three levels to choose from.  You'll progress and get better and better and, as you do, you'll have more choices of instructors.  

A subscription is $12/month and I couldn't be happier with my decision to subscribe and keep subscribing.  If I need a 15 minute workout with weights, it's there.  If I want 30 minutes of dance, Ilyse has tons to offer.  A five minute stretch?  No problem!  There are lots to choose from.  

I highly recommend this site for any level of exerciser.  

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