Monday, December 7, 2015

Week Six: Peak 10 Challenge #4

I cannot believe this Challenge is going by so quickly!!  Time just flies by these days!

The good thing about Peak 10 is that it keeps me motivated.....  And motivation is good this time of year when I usually eat more than I should.  The only bad thing is that I usually don't see the results that I would normally see.  Sure, I get fitter but the scale and the measuring tape don't always reflect a big change.  Sigh.  All I can do is my best!

Monday: Amy's Cardio Intervals + Intervals + walk

I usually start this Glo playlist with Intervals.  This time I switched it up, starting with Cardio Intervals instead.  It's a bit more low-key though you do the moves for longer - 90, 60, and 30 seconds.  I then got through about 15 minutes of Intervals before I had to cool down - and it's definitely tougher because the moves are more difficult.  But it was a nice change from Pure Cardio.  At lunch, I walked at the rec and was proud of myself for getting over there.  It was cold and drizzly out!

Tuesday: PeakFit Cardio Strength 2 + Ilyse's Heart-Pumping Groove

Oh, how I loathe evening workouts!  I got home a bit early from the dentist and went to work with CS2.  Ugh.  It wasn't tough until about halfway through when I used my heavy weights instead of the suggested light ones for a circuit.  My body was not happy.  Afterward, I did ten minutes of Ilyse's dance workout to cool down.  And then a stretch.  I was aching all evening.

Wednesday:  PeakFit Anytime Anywhere No Excuse Workout

After last night's workout, this was the last thing I wanted to do.  I pushed myself, though, and made it through.  I modified the last two peak moves - to try to be a little....less.  I ached for most of the morning after this.  I walked ten minutes to and from lunch - and that was it.

Thursday: Dozois' Total Body Cardio and Strength + walk

I'm tired.  My body is tired.  I took the cardio down a notch this morning, making as much as possible low-impact.  This workout with weights is so great and I was sweating like crazy, despite my lessened exertion.  At lunch, I walked the track at the rec and then did a good stretch and ab work.  

Friday:  Dozois' Conditioning for Long Lean Muscles

I love my Friday mornings!  And I love this workout from Michelle.  Even though it's Barre - it's tough - and I always forget how tough.  I probably should have done something a bit lighter today, considering how fatigued my muscles feel, but it felt good.  And I tried not to jump too much.

Saturday:  Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn

I was super tired this morning after not getting nearly enough sleep.  So I was glad this CIB was on the agenda - it's less stressful than the others.  But still a challenge!  I had fun, sweated  a bunch, and felt great afterward.  I did a stretch and some serious ab work, too.

Sunday: Peak Fit Test + Cardio Strength 1 on Glo + weights

Since we're taking a weekend trip next weekend, I decided to do my Fit Test early.  I won't be any more fit than I am right now, so let's do this!  The test almost killed me (ha!) but I improved in every circuit.  Yay!!!  I was pretty wiped out after the test but I did 40 minutes of CS 1 - without the peaks. I'd done enough peaks by that point!  I finished off with 10 minutes of pure weights....and then a stretch and ab work.

I actually ate really well this week - in my 1200 to 1300 calorie range - until Friday and Saturday.  Sunday I did well, too!

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