Monday, April 16, 2018

Metabolic Rotation: Week 6

Only three more weeks of this rotation!  Wow!  

I'm still really liking the different workouts.  Cathe is an amazing fitness instructor!

Monday: Cathe's RWH: Upper Body Circuit + walk + YWA

So whatever Kelly Coffey Meyer did to me yesterday really hurt my legs.  My hamstrings and glutes were screaming this morning.  Yay.  This upper body workout is so much fun, you forget you're working hard.  I love alternating between weights and cardio!  At lunch, I walked at the rec center and then did my sit-ups.  And after work I got around to day 1 of Adriene's 30 Days of Yoga.  It was a lovely stretch! some work.

Tuesday: Cathe's Legs with Weights and Stability Ball + walk + YWA

Despite my legs really hurting from Sunday, I did this workout with only one slight variation: I didn't do quite as many leg presses on the higher step.  But, I did everything else and actually really enjoyed this workout, which is structured in trisets.  It kept it interesting and manageable!  At lunch, I walked again....and stretched really well again.  Then, I planked.  Ha!  After work, this YWA got me nice and warm!

Wednesday: Cathe's ICE: Low Impact Sweat

My leg was still hurting and I was tired today - not from sleep deprivation but just overall tired.  And so I switched up my workouts to make today low impact.  And I'm glad I did!  This workout is good and was just the right intensity.  My heart rate was up but I wasn't pushing too hard.  My legs still hurt (really, Cathe, is there any workout in which you don't push the legs to their breaking point?) but it wasn't too painful.   

Thursday: Crunch Super Slim Down: Pilates Yoga Blend + YWA

Rest day!  And I love this old but good workout!  Ellen Barrett is so calming and fun.  I'd forgotten just how much I like this workout so this morning, it was a nice surprise.  And my muscles needed some down time!  After work, I tuned into 30 Days of Yoga, day 18, which really stretched out my legs.  Very nice!

Friday: Cathe's Metabolic Circuit Blast + walk

According to my notes, I did this workout last year.  I have no memory of it and it sure didn't seem it kicked my butt.  I've never seen my heart rate (according to my FitBit) get as high as it did in the first half of this workout.  Wow!  It was definitely a difficult workout but dang!   I huffed and puffed my way through almost the entire thing, stopping only a few minutes early.  At lunch, I walked outside because it was warm - and muggy and windy.  Yay, Texas.

Saturday: Cathe's STS Total Body

I usually do my total body weight workout on Fridays but this one is 65 minutes long and I wanted to do it all - which meant moving it to the weekend.  I'd never done the lower body portion of this workout, only the upper body.   It's all set up in trisets, which you repeat twice: once with 16 reps, then with 12 reps.  You're supposed to lift as heavy as you can.  And wow!  My weights went down in the upper body sets just a bit.....probably because I'm doing fewer strength workouts.  But I got a great strength workout today!  It a good way.  I also added on five minutes of low-impact cardio to cool down and then did the abs and stretch.  Nice!

Sunday: Cathe's Drill Max Live

My arms/shoulders/triceps were super sore from the day before so the idea of more weights did not sound appealing.  But I did it anyway.  This workout alternates cardio, using the step, and weights.  The cardio was a nice change - no HIIT - with combinations using the step.  The weights taxed my arms but I made it through.  This was 60 minutes of cardio/strength.  Then, abs, after which I added on some of my own to get 5 minutes of work.  Then, a stretch.  

Calorie Counts:

Monday - 1208
Tuesday - 1172
Wednesday - BAD
Thursday - 1165
Friday - 1635
Saturday - 1280
Sunday - 1577

I was afraid to weigh because my eating hasn't been great.  But I did my measurements and those made me happy!

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