Thursday, November 4, 2010

Too much to do!

My dad had some pretty major surgery a week ago and, though he's doing well, he can't do any work around the house and property. Since my parents have quite a bit of acreage, this presents problems for my mom.

So, tomorrow night, I will rush out to the country to help her get things done. I can already tell you that I'm sick of driving, sick of my car, and really sick of spending money on gas. But I'll do it. The reason the house needs to look good is for an engagement party my parents are throwing for me and Mr. Higgins.

The good news is that I won't need to do any mowing. (Yay, fall temperatures!) The bad news is that some kind of yard work will most definitely need to be done. And, because of my work there, I'll be less motivated to work on my own yard. Ack, vicious cycle!

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