Monday, October 13, 2014

Week Five: Peak 10 Challenge #2

This is my "off" week in the midst of this challenge.  I had 9.5 weeks before vacation, more than the 8 weeks needed for the challenge.  So, I get a light week in the midst of the high-intensity chaos.  This is good, because my no-sweating mandate (from the doctor) doesn't end until Thursday!  Eek!

In the meantime, I'm really enjoying exploring what FitnessGlo has to offer in terms of lower-impact workouts.  A fun discovery is Barre - something I've almost but not quite ever done.  It's a lot tougher than it seems.  Another fun find is Ilyse Baker on Glo.  I had done a few of her workouts before but after doing several more, I really like her!  For dance and barre (her core tracks are crazy hard!), she's amazing!  

I'm trying to keep my protein up between 25-30% again, so wish me luck!

Monday: Ilyse Baker's Just Dance + Baker's Barre Blast + Michelle's Hip & Thigh Toner + Michelle's Heart-Pumping Cardio

Oh, this was so much fun!  I started off with Ilyse Baker's dance workout which was a blast.  She didn't put together a routine, just varied the moves to make it less complex and more fun!  Her Barre Blast was tough, especially the floor work.  Ilyse doesn't kid around with her core work!  I did Michelle's Cardio number to get warm again and then finished off with her Hip &  Thigh toner - one I'd done before but liked.  It really gets your legs!  A total of 80 minutes!

25% protein

Tuesday: Michelle's Straight Forward Strength Training + Amy Dixon's Body Weight Training (both on Glo)

For some reason, I'm very motivated to do weights these days.  Michelle's Glo Strength Training is one of my new favorites and it was still fun today.  I was ready for some tougher cardio - with breaks to not sweat - so I tried one of Amy's workouts.  I still think she talks too much and I don't like the overall style of these kinds of workouts (do one move for 1 minute, 15 seconds recovery)….but it was a change, which is what I needed.  90 minutes of working out today!

25% protein

Wednesday: Amy Dixon's All Around Energy + Alex McLean's Barre Blend + Michelle's Tight & Toned Core

Last day of no sweating!  YAY!  I did 30 minutes (of 45) of Dixon's All Around Energy, which is a lower impact strength (body weight) and cardio blend.  This was my second time around with this one - it's not my favorite but it's different which is good.  It was my first time with McLean's Barre Blend which was tough…..  I got a little sweaty so I stopped after 30 minutes.   My main complaint with his stuff is that you do one move over and over and over.  Michelle tends to flow through moves more, which I like much more.  Speaking of, I did her Tight &  Toned Core for the second time….wow, that's a tough one!  I had to modify a few moves but was able to do some of the tough stuff.  Yay!

25% protein

Thursday:  Rockin' Boday Cardio by Michelle + walk

I can sweat today!  Yay!  I bet you haven't heard many people say that, huh?  Neither have I.  But it's nice to not have to worry anymore.  And this is such a fun workout with no dread factor - just nice cardio.  My co-workers and I walked to lunch today - about 20 minutes round-trip.  

26% protein

Friday: Michelle's Burn Calories, Release Stress + Jeffrey Scott's Waist Down Strength (both on Glo)

Since this is still my "off" week in the middle of this challenge, I decided to tone it down today, especially since I don't have a rest day this week.  Michelle's workout (30 minutes in length) is labeled as a level 2 (out of 3) but I would say it's a 1.  I added some extra jumping and jogging to get a bit more of a workout.  Scott's 15 minute leg workout is good without being too touch - lots of squats followed by some floor work.  A nice morning workout!

28% protein!

Saturday: Cardio Strength 2 (Peak Fit)

I thought this workout would kill me, since I've been doing lighter workouts for 1.5 weeks….but it didn't!  Amazing!  I got through it relatively painlessly!  Perhaps it's because I'm down to my goal weight…..  But it felt great!!  I finished off the workout with five minutes of planks and ab work.  

Sunday:  Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn + walk

Once again, I was prepared to be bested by a longer, more intense workout…..  But that time never came.  Wow!  I got through this workout remarkably well.  Granted, it's the easiest of the CIBs but it's still tough.  Since it was such a pleasant day out, Mr. Higgins and I took a walk around the neighborhood, for about 30-40 minutes.

Calorie Counts:

Monday - 1277
Tuesday - 1267

Wednesday - 1301
Thursday - 1395
Friday - BAD!
Saturday - 1408
Sunday - 1394

Since I was dealing with health stuff Monday - Wednesday, I was glad to be able to skim a few calories off my norm.  When I weighed on Wednesday morning, I was back down my lowest (in recent memory) weight.  I would call it my goal weight and it felt SO good!

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